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  3. Opr. Dr. Emir Kaan İzci

“Opr. Dr. Emir Kaan İzci” Locations

About “Opr. Dr. Emir Kaan İzci”


  • Brain Tumors Surgery,
  • Hydrocephalus Treatment,
  • Trauma Surgery (All Trauma Surgeries of the Head and Spine),
  • Spine Surgery (Deformity, Fracture, Canal Stenosis),
  • Microsurgical Discectomy (Waist – Neck Herniations),
  • Congenital Spine Pathology Surgery (Meningocele, Meningomyelocele, Spina Bfida).



The consultation and treatment fees of each specialist vary depending on the treatment process, academic career and professional experience. To meet these specialists, please send an e-mail to mydoctor@turkishdoctorsclinic.com with the doctor’s name, surname and speciality. To your e-mail; Do not forget to add your name and surname, date of birth, gender, the city you live in, previous diseases and surgical operations, diseases and symptoms, and examinations and examinations, if any.

Offered Services

Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) 21 Service(s)
Brain Diseases and Surgery
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery
Cervical Disc Disc Surgery
Disc Herniation Surgery
Glial Tumor Surgery
Lumbar (Spinal Stenosis) Surgery
Meningioma (Brain Tumor) Surgery
Microsurgery of Nerve İncisions
Neck Tumor Surgery
Nerve Diseases and Surgery
Peripheral Nerve Compression Surgery
Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Pituitary Gland Tumor
Scoliosis Surgery (Curvature of the Spine)
Spinal Cord Stenosis
Spinal Immobilization
Spine (Joint) Calcification
Spine (Spinal Cord) Tumor
Spine Surgery
Spondylolisthesis Surgery
Ulnar Nerve Trap Neuropathy


  • 546698-QZ

“Opr. Dr. Emir Kaan İzci” Answers


Intermittent fasting boosts health by strengthening daily rhythms
Opr. Dr. Emir Kaan İzci Opr. Dr. Emir Kaan İzci
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