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Can Myoma turn into Sarcoma?

Can Myoma turn into Sarcoma?

  • 8 Ekim 2023

What is Myoma?
It is one of the problems that women encounter most often. Myomas, also called uterine fibroids or leiomyomas, are benign muscle tumors that occur within the uterus. In women, the age at which myomas occur is usually between 30-40 years of age. Some cases of myoma may become quite large and cause complaints such as abdominal pain or abnormal menstrual bleeding. After menopause, myomas shrink, but in some cases they grow and turn into a sarcoma (malignant tumor). In addition to all these, the probability of myomas containing malignant myoma (Sarcoma) is one in a thousand. 

The following items may be symptoms of fibroids:

  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding during menstrual periods, in addition to occasional bleeding,
  • Frequent and night urination, constipation,
  • Recurrent termination of pregnancy (miscarriage),
  • Infertility,
  • Anemia due to long and heavy menstrual bleeding, weakness and easy fatigue,
  • Palpable swelling (mass) in the abdominal area,
  • Feeling pain during sexual intercourse

Myoma Diagnosis and Treatment : 

The diagnosis of fibroids can sometimes be made with the symptoms we wrote above and sometimes during a regular gynecological examination. It is vital to have routine check-ups every 6 months.

” reviewed the records of 1332 patients operated on for presumed leiomyoma and they found the diagnosis of sarcoma in just 3 out of 1332 (0.23%) women, and only 1 of them (0.08%) was leiomyosarcoma.”*
Early diagnosis is very important for sarcomas. Pathological examination may also be considered appropriate to confirm the diagnosis of myomas. There are two types of myoma treatment, surgical and non-surgical.

1. Hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus. This method is generally used as the preferred treatment option for the complete disappearance of myomas in people who are past childbearing age, do not want to have children, and have not responded to drug treatment. This treatment method is performed laparoscopically, abdominally or vaginally.
2. Myomectomy treatment method is the only treatment option for women who do not want to lose their fertility. This treatment method; It is applied through the vagina, abdomen, by laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. With the treatment applied with this method, the recurrence of myomas may occur, but it does not mean that surgery will be required again. For expectant mothers who want to have a child, great attention should be paid to the uterus during surgery. The patient is given necessary information before the surgery.

Since you have read this far, you know the importance of scientific methods. In recent years, many women have been struggling with more serious and dangerous problems with alternative treatments. Please do not risk your health with alternatives such as herbal treatment. This article is for informational purposes only. Does not give medical advice. Gynecologists will recommend the best diagnosis and treatment for you. The symptoms listed above give the possibility of myoma. Don’t worry yourself and your loved ones just based on the symptoms. If you are in doubt or are over 30 years old, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist and start routine check-ups.

Information source: Parker WH, Fu YS, Berek JS. Uterine sarcoma in patients operated on for presumed leiomyoma and rapidly growing leiomyoma. Obstet Gynecol 1994; 83: 3.


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